How to Choose Website Color Schemes

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How to Choose Website Color Schemes

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Different colors make people feel different emotions and can even affect their purchasing decisions. That’s why the colors on your website are so important. Read on to learn how to choose website color schemes.

When it comes to constructing your own website, color themes are everything.

Because different colors make people feel different emotions, your website color schemes are going to be very important when potential clients are planning on making a to choose website color schemes

For example, what is the dominant color of your website making your clients feel? Do the colors complement each other or do they create a sense of chaos?

Let’s talk about how your website color schemes and how this can help your success.

Website Color Schemes 101

Whether you notice it or not, colors play an important role when it comes to your business. Digital marketing gurus, such as those at, know that the key to award-winning design is choosing colors that ignite the senses.

Think about it. If you were asked to differentiate between the color schemes of Coca-Cola and Pepsi, you would automatically be able to do so even though they are similar tasty soft drinks.

Here are a couple of ways to make your brand more impactful by the use of colors.


If your company is centered around nature, health or wealth – this is going to be the color to go with. Because your subconscious naturally inclines to think about health and wealth when it sees green, this will be the perfect color scheme for you.


Yellow is perfect for companies encouraging optimism and youthfulness. If you’re trying to grab your audience’s attention and promote better tomorrows- this is perfect


Think futuristic. Because gray/silver represents a lack of emotion – it’s perfect for companies shooting for the minimalistic/industrial feel.


If you’re shooting for a refreshing, secure look -blue is the way to go. Often associated with water and a sense of security – the color blue will be used by banks and water-based businesses in order to heighten senses.


Boldness, energy, and excitement- when companies are looking to leave a loud impression, they use red to trigger passionate emotions. If you’re intending to stimulate the urgency to buy in your customers, red is going to be the color to go with.


Hello, feminity! Regardless if it’s your favorite color or not, pink is often times linked with “girly” things. If your company is centered around romance, innocence, or fertility – think about using passive hints of pink on your site.

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Whether you’re looking for the perfect website color schemes or a marketing strategist to help kick-start your upcoming campaign – you’ve come to the right place!

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