Jason Safir

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Jason Safir

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“I believe there is a subconscious energy hidden in imagery.”
-Jason Safir

Jason Safir Power Books

Welcome PageCrush fans! In our latest Spotlight, we bring you Jason Safir. A fellow creative with an impressive background in multimedia and production.

Jason Safir combines pop culture with technology and art. He holds several degrees in interaction design and has experience working with organizations small and large. Previously, he worked on large-scale interactive campaigns at MTV and TRIBE Media. His interactive design has helped achieve critical exposure on television, online and print news publications, and acclaim in national and international festivals.

Please read on as PageCrush would like to learn more about Jason Safir and what motivates him.

Q. What is your type of work and its purpose?

My body of work explores the intersection of technology and people, revealing and elevating the emotional connections that we forge with digital media.

Q. What brought you where you are today?

My fascination with people and technology began at the age of 10 when I was designing digital interfaces for dial-up BBSes (bulletin board systems) as a hobby. My passion for interaction design eventually transitioned into web design with the advent of the World Wide Web and the widespread popularity of the Internet in 1994. During my master’s degree studies at NYU’s Interactive Telecommunications Program (ITP), I developed an interest in the physical aspect of human-computer interaction while designing physical interactive experiences and prototypes using sensors, microcontrollers, and communication networks.

I am constantly learning to work with new technologies to keep up with the rapidly changing landscape of interaction. To gain inspiration, I meet with designers and developers to see what they are working on. I frequently attend industry events to keep in touch with the design community and get opinions on the latest technology.

Q. What is your biggest project(s) to date?

My biggest project to date would have to be the one that I am most passionate about. For my thesis project at NYU, I developed an exposé on the Self Help Movement called “Get It On With Vaughn!”. In this meaningful parody of the mainstreaming of self-help dogma, I designed unproven motivational tools that ultimately don’t do what they promise to. While producing this interactive work, I discovered more than ever how design and mediated imagery can create a distorted perception on reality. The idea of constructing artificial needs through design has since become a consistent theme in my artistic practice.

Q. What gives you the most inspiration?

I believe there is a subconscious energy hidden in imagery. I adopt an optimistic approach into every project I collaborate on, as well as with the people I work with. If the energy is there from the start, it will exist in the final execution.

For something more hands-on, I find inspiration in new technology, campaigns on Kickstarter and sites like this one.

Q. What are your toughest challenges?

Building your own brand and working from home can be a lonely process. Going from a community where you’re constantly communicating with people throughout the day to suddenly being pretty isolated is a bit of an adjustment. There is also a lot of stress to it. It can be intense for a business model that basically has no rules. Anything is possible online, which is exciting, but anything being possible can also be a scary thing.

We want to thank Jason for talking with us. To visit Jason’s website, simply visit http://www.jasonsafir.com/